It’s time to believe in rock and roll again. In a world captivated by button-pushing DJs, money-obsessed MCs, and poop pop-producers, Sexy Jesus has risen to expel the sonic charlatans from the holy temple of music. Listen to the word of one who writes songs out of love; songs that are meant for you and not designed purely for radio rotation. The sunlight always follows the darkest days. Have faith friends.   


After years of drumming just out of the spotlight for bands such as Caught A Ghost and He’s My Brother She’s My Sister, Sexy Jesus had a realization: “If I want to play rock and roll drums, if I want to play as many fills as I want, if I want to have a prime spot at the front of the stage, then I gotta write my own songs and sing them too!” Thus, epiphany led to action. Between tours and other musical obligations, time was found to write, record and bring this music to you. 


So what are you going to do with it? Probably the same shit you do with all the new music that comes your way. Most of you will stream it once and get distracted by a social media platform or a dating site. But for those of you that like grungy two-and-a-half-minute-Tame-Impala-meets Father-John-Misty type rock songs, laden with heaping portions of irony, frustration, humor and cynicism, you will “like” it! 


If you really like what you hear you will find some way to spread the gospel of Sexy Jesus; you will go to his shows and bring your friends; you will purchase merchandise after the show; you will take a picture with Sexy Jesus and post to insta; you will encourage your coworkers to listen to this great band you saw the other day and you will ask your snarky music friends, “Why aren’t more people making music like Sexy Jesus?"


If you are compelled to help Sexy Jesus right now, please visit the collection plate on the home page and be sure to add your email on the contact page.